
Challenges in english

  In my previous career, I took english courses that were also mandatory in my program. As It was a Scientific career, the english courses were focused on writing papers, so the language was very formal, and the teacher always scolded us when we used any informal phrase. In this actual course, that by the way is the first english course I take since I started studying social sciences, is more relaxed with the formalities, but I got so used to my last course that I think now the way I write and speak english is influenced by it. Everytime I’m in classes and the teacher asks me something, I try to answer formally, but then I think “I’m not being evaluated based in my formality” and then relax a little. In this case, I think blogs are a useful tool to develop our writing. I always try to expand what I’m writing to make it more dynamic, but I fail because at a point I don’t know if what I’m writing makes sense. I think that my pronunciation is something I need to improve. I don’t have in

My study program

  I’m currently in my second year of Social Work. Before entering the career, I reviewed a lot of study programs in other universities, and everyone had different approaching of the social practice. I really liked the focus of this university, but there were a couple of things that I didn’t understand at all, but I thought that it couldn’t be a big problem. Well, later I got to know that my program didn’t include practices like other careers or universities, instead, we have like an investigative/applied course of different areas that can be dabble in Social Work. I still don’t know clearly how they work, but I will get to know next semester because I need to choose which course I want to take. The workload and length of studies seems pretty manageable, but of course there are exceptcions where students have big resposabilities outside of the university so they can’t full focus on it. I personally think that this actual semester has been very stressful because professors are more deman

Postgraduate studies

  The principal reason I would like to do a post graduate studies is because I want to deepen my knowledge in my discipline in a certain area. I still do not have clear what kind of area I like the most, but I am interested in reinsertion, gender violence and poverty in general, so I guess in the next semesters I will be more clear in this topic as I will be learning more in my courses. I would love to study abroad, maybe in Europe,   but I am not clear about if there are scholarships that I can access to in different universities, because I do not think I can afford paying those kind of studies, without thinking about food, lodging, and health. By the way, in Chile there is only one PhD   course for Social Work, so studying abroad is the best option to deepen our studies. I have not looked for specific countries or universities I would like, but I think that I prefer an english speaking country, because a big part of social work related literature is in this language. I think I wo

My future job

Since I'm studying social work, I'm very interested in social phenomenons that are related with inequality. I want to use the tools this career is giving me to make a change in our society, even though my contribution is the minimum compared with the huge existing faults tied up in this system, so maybe my focus would be that. I'm not a fan of indoors jobs, so I think I would prefer working in something that let me be outside, in the field where everything is happening.  Also, If my job allows me to travel, inside or outside of the country, would be amazing. People who has jobs related to research are always travelling, so I'm considering it too.  Salary is not something I'm very worried about, if it allows me to be economically independent and living on my own, I'll be more than satisfied. I don't want to live a life full of luxury, if I'm happy doing something that I like and it brings me independance it's enough for me.  If everything goes well, I

What's like studying Social Work?

  I’m currently in my second year of Social Work in the social sciences faculty. Starting this career was not easy, because of the stigma of studying social sciences I didn’t consider this career as my first option when I finished school. After my second year in a Scientific career, I had enough of it and just went for Social Work because I felt like no other discipline would fit me as good as this one. I was feeling like my life was senseless studying something I don’t like and makes me feel like I’m not good enough, so I prepared myself to take the PSU again and then I quit the career I was cursing at that moment. I feel like starting this career at 21 years old and after having a previous experience in college helped me a lot because I grew up a lot and that made me feel more secure about myself. I don’t regret this change because I love what I’m doing now, even though the pandemic life and online classes disappoint me and didn’t let me have the full experience of being in the uni

Pandemic life and how it changed our lives

 With the actual pandemic we as a society had to change drastically our lives. First of all, and maybe the most relevant, is that we have to stay at home with no possibility of going out if it's not something strictly necessary and with a written permission. As a consequence of this, people have to work and study from home, which complicates these activities more because it is a really classist way of living, not all the families have the privilege of a good internet connection that can handle working and studying at once, and also a lot of families have to share a single computer. Also, another big problem is that our mental health has been really affected by all of this, being in a lockdown for months is something not everyone can handle.  Life after pandemic seems like a long way to go, but I think we are going to keep some stuff like using masks or the extra care for sanitation. I personally think that both of these things are ok because we are constantly exposed to different d

The best holidays ever: My trip to Southern Chile

  My best holiday ever was five years ago, on January, 2015. I took a trip with my family to southern Chile for almost three weeks. We did it by car so we didn’t go to an specific place, we traveled city by city enjoying the best of each one. The trip started in Santiago, and on the way we got to know places like Chillán, Concepción, Villarrica, and Pucón. When we reached Valdivia, we visited our relatives that live in the commune of Máfil, that is 30 minutes away from the city.  We stayed with them for a few days to rest a little and spend some family time because we don’t see each other very often. My uncle lives near a river so we went there everyday to swim and freshen up, and we also took the opportunity to go camping on a campsite that my uncle knew. After two or three days, we continued our trip visiting Chiloé, to see communes like Dalcahue, Castro and Ancud.  Our trip ended in Punta de Lapas, in the commune of Quellón in Chiloé. The reason why this is my best vacation ever is