My future job

Since I'm studying social work, I'm very interested in social phenomenons that are related with inequality. I want to use the tools this career is giving me to make a change in our society, even though my contribution is the minimum compared with the huge existing faults tied up in this system, so maybe my focus would be that. I'm not a fan of indoors jobs, so I think I would prefer working in something that let me be outside, in the field where everything is happening.  Also, If my job allows me to travel, inside or outside of the country, would be amazing. People who has jobs related to research are always travelling, so I'm considering it too. 
Salary is not something I'm very worried about, if it allows me to be economically independent and living on my own, I'll be more than satisfied. I don't want to live a life full of luxury, if I'm happy doing something that I like and it brings me independance it's enough for me. 
If everything goes well, I'll be majoring in social work in a few years, and I would like to do a master or PhD in social sciencies, and maybe, start a career in investigation. This can take years and a lot of dedication, but I'm willing to do it. 


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