The best holidays ever: My trip to Southern Chile

 My best holiday ever was five years ago, on January, 2015. I took a trip with my family to southern Chile for almost three weeks. We did it by car so we didn’t go to an specific place, we traveled city by city enjoying the best of each one. The trip started in Santiago, and on the way we got to know places like Chillán, Concepción, Villarrica, and Pucón.

When we reached Valdivia, we visited our relatives that live in the commune of Máfil, that is 30 minutes away from the city.  We stayed with them for a few days to rest a little and spend some family time because we don’t see each other very often. My uncle lives near a river so we went there everyday to swim and freshen up, and we also took the opportunity to go camping on a campsite that my uncle knew. After two or three days, we continued our trip visiting Chiloé, to see communes like Dalcahue, Castro and Ancud. 

Our trip ended in Punta de Lapas, in the commune of Quellón in Chiloé. The reason why this is my best vacation ever is because I got to know beautiful places; my favorite one is Saltos del Petrohué, near the city of Puerto Varas, it is so beautiful that I fell in love with it. 

Saltos del Río Petrohué



  1. The southern Chile has very beautiful places and cities, it seems to have a calm atmosphere

  2. I love southern of Chile, Its a place full of nature and beautiful people, thank you for this great post.

  3. I went to the south of Chile only once time but with this post I want to go again.

  4. So lucky to travel for such a long time and it´s amazing that you had met all those places <3


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