Challenges in english


In my previous career, I took english courses that were also mandatory in my program. As It was a Scientific career, the english courses were focused on writing papers, so the language was very formal, and the teacher always scolded us when we used any informal phrase. In this actual course, that by the way is the first english course I take since I started studying social sciences, is more relaxed with the formalities, but I got so used to my last course that I think now the way I write and speak english is influenced by it. Everytime I’m in classes and the teacher asks me something, I try to answer formally, but then I think “I’m not being evaluated based in my formality” and then relax a little. In this case, I think blogs are a useful tool to develop our writing. I always try to expand what I’m writing to make it more dynamic, but I fail because at a point I don’t know if what I’m writing makes sense.

I think that my pronunciation is something I need to improve. I don’t have instances where I can practice speaking besides when I talk to myself, and now this english course, because the last one I took was on the first semester of 2019. On the other hand, I usually use english a lot because I like Reading books in english, so that way I reinforce my understanding and I can learn new words. I also listen a lot of music in english, and when I watch some movie or series, I like doing it in their original language.


  1. I also prefer to watch movies and series in the original language.

  2. I would like to read some book in english! Which one do you recommend me?


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