Pandemic life and how it changed our lives

 With the actual pandemic we as a society had to change drastically our lives. First of all, and maybe the most relevant, is that we have to stay at home with no possibility of going out if it's not something strictly necessary and with a written permission. As a consequence of this, people have to work and study from home, which complicates these activities more because it is a really classist way of living, not all the families have the privilege of a good internet connection that can handle working and studying at once, and also a lot of families have to share a single computer. Also, another big problem is that our mental health has been really affected by all of this, being in a lockdown for months is something not everyone can handle. 

Life after pandemic seems like a long way to go, but I think we are going to keep some stuff like using masks or the extra care for sanitation. I personally think that both of these things are ok because we are constantly exposed to different diseases that can be avoided with them.


  1. I hope that one day the mental health and quality of life of people during this pandemic can improve

  2. At times like this is when social and economic inequality is most visualized:(

  3. I agree with you when you said that in this pandemic we´ve notice segregation and classism. Good reflection! <3

  4. Mental health is a really important topic in this times and I hope that just like you other people also start noticing it

  5. Yes, mental health is very important. Confinement has profoundly impacted most of society, even myself.


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