A country I would like to visit: Japan


I would like to visit the country of Japan, because I really like their culture and I would love to learn more about it. I know that Japan is a country with a really strong sense of the honour and the duty, in contrast of the occidental culture, which is more individualistic. I would like to sightseeing around the capital, Tokyo, try their typical food, and visit the most important places in the city. I love the country, but I don’t know if I could study there because japanese is a really difficult language to learn in my opinion. I think I would have to take time to learn their language and about their society a little more so I can consider the option of working or living there. 


  1. Japan is such a different place, I find it very interesting too. The language is difficult as you say it, but it's not impossible. Thanks for your post!! ❤🍙🍡🌸

  2. Wow, I loved your post, Japan seems to be a very nice place, I hope you can go to live or study there someday!❤

  3. I´m agree with you... Japan is an amazing country and is so intresting that the culture has two different views: the old history and legends of the country and by the other side, the futuristic and technological cities as Tokio. I hope some day you could achieve your dream <3

  4. Hello Vania, without a doubt I think the same as you, Japan is a very interesting country <3


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